i0ki: Senna has a NEW ROLE in Season 14... (64% winrate) (2024)

In i0ki’s latest video, he explores the new role for Senna in Season 14, showcasing her impressive 64% winrate. Senna, traditionally played as a support hyper carry, is now being played as a legitimate farming ADC. i0ki delves into the details of this new playstyle and explains why it is so effective in the current meta.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Senna ADC has a 64% winrate in Masters, overshadowing Senna support.
  • New lethality builds make Senna ADC even stronger.
  • Less soul generation from minions is the only disadvantage of playing Senna ADC.

The Rise of Senna ADC

In Season 14, Senna ADC has emerged as a dominant force in the bot lane. With a winrate of 64% in Masters, Senna is outshining her traditional support role. The new lethality builds have made her even more powerful, allowing her to deal massive amounts of damage. While Senna ADC may generate fewer souls from minions, the constant fighting in the current meta provides ample opportunities for soul generation through champion kills and assists.

The Power of Lethality Builds

The new lethality items in Season 14 have greatly increased Senna’s damage potential. Building items like Yuumi’s Ghostblade and The Collector allows Senna to burst down opponents and snowball her lead. The ability to stack souls through kills and assists further amplifies her damage, making her a formidable force in team fights.

Challenges of Senna ADC

While Senna ADC offers immense power, it does come with a few challenges. The early levels of farming can be difficult, especially if you get pushed under your turret. However, once you back and purchase some AD, the laning phase becomes much more manageable. Additionally, Senna’s immobility and squishiness make her vulnerable to assassins and burst damage champions. Proper positioning and teamwork are essential to mitigate these weaknesses.

i0ki: Senna has a NEW ROLE in Season 14... (64% winrate) (2024)


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